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This episode really puts the “talk” in Technician Talk!

Constructing wind energy projects requires precise coordination among many moving parts. How does One Energy do it? Do we memorize the exact timing of each step and hope everything goes smoothly? Do we yell down from the top of a 250-foot turbine tower to direct crane operators? Does one person do it all alone so there is no miscommunication?

Of course not! One Energy technicians must communicate effectively and efficiently during construction. That’s why our radio communication technology must be top notch – and each member must know how to use it properly and safely.

Join Fleet Field Manager Lukas as he walks us through One Energy’s radio model, its functions, how it’s used in the field, and the safety element of using radios while building projects. Plus – listen in on some excellent voice acting from our OE staff as they simulate communication scenarios (both proper and poor!) during a rotor fly.

Technician Talks can also be found on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter – and be sure to subscribe to our You Tube channel for more One Energy content!