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One Energy CEO, Jereme Kent, was recently a guest on the HDT Talks Trucking podcast hosted by Jim Park.

During the interview, Jereme and Jim discussed One Energy’s new Megawatt Hubs and its intent to install customizable Big Electric Vehicle (BEV) charging solutions for customers. With the increasing electrification of the trucking industry in the U.S., they touch on many problems facing electric trucking infrastructure. Jereme describes how One Energy plans to tackle these complications, leveraging the advantage of its location and power capacity for future nationwide distribution.

As a power guy, I never had a reason to talk to the trucking guys, right?…
Now all of a sudden, their entire industry and one of our biggest growth segments are the same thing! All of a sudden, all of these power companies should be talking to logistics companies… saying, ‘How do we work together?’ “

Check out Jereme’s full interview on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or YouTube.
