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Earlier this week, we announced Wind Study – where we’re sharing homework problems related to wind energy and STEM on a weekly basis. If you haven’t read this week’s question yet, click here. 

If you’ve read this week’s question, you’ll recall that our team needed help with some math problems. We wanted to determine the weight of a wind turbine foundation, as well as the length of one side of the turbine’s foundation, which, for sake of the problem, was an octagon. You can access the answer to both of these questions via the link below.

Download this week’s Wind Study Homework Answer

It’s worth noting that in reality, One Energy’s wind turbine foundations are a 16-sided shape with a tapered top. The dimensions of the foundation in this week’s Wind Study question were simplified, for calculation purposes.

Check out the photo of one of our foundations being poured below, and remember – Wind Study questions and answered will be posted here in this OE Feed on Mondays and Friday, and will be on our Facebook and Twitter accounts as well!