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One of One Energy’s earliest customers, Cooper Farms, describes their Wind for Industry project as “One of the most impactful ways Cooper Farms is helping to keep the local community clean” in the feature story of their periodic report.

The three Wind for Industry wind turbines at their Van Wert Cooked Meats plant provide 75% of the plant’s power, making the project both cost-effective and sustainable for their manufacturing process. 

View pages 5 and 6 of Issue 3 of their 2019 Cooper Connection report to see how wind energy fits into Cooper Farms’ agenda for keeping the planet clean.

Gary Daughters of Site Selection Magazine visited the North Findlay Wind Campus and wrote about our growth as a company, our customers and their reasons for investing in Wind for Industry, and most importantly, our chef.

In this Emmy-nominated episode of PBS’ NOVA documentary series, Wind for Industry was highlighted as a way to mitigate the dangerous effects of carbon pollution on the planet.

One Energy customer Whirlpool Corporation and our CEO Jereme Kent discuss how large power users can adapt their business and reduce environmental impacts using on-site wind energy. The segment begins at 1:32:38.

In their 2017 report, Whirlpool Corporation laid out their plans to increase wind energy use by installing three Wind for Industry turbines at their Greenville, OH plant. With three plants already operating with Wind for Industry, the Greenville project would make Whirlpool Corporation one of the largest Fortune 500 consumers of on-site wind energy in the U.S.

View the stunning Wind for Industry turbine images on the cover and throughout the report, and see page numbers 2 and 15 (3rd and 16th pages of the PDF) to read about how Whirlpool Corporation values wind energy in a message from the CEO as well as in an overview of their operations.

View the report here.

In 2017, One Energy’s third project with Whirlpool Corporation was completed at their Ottawa, OH facility. This project, along with the turbines at Whirlpool’s Findlay and Marion plants, made Whirlpool one of the largest Fortune 500 consumers of on-site wind energy.

To continue the successful partnership, Whirlpool announced it’s next Wind for Industry project in 2017. The turbines would be installed at Whirlpool’s Greenville facility, which manufactures KitchenAid appliances.

Kevin Randolph mentioned One Energy in his article about the DOE’s Distributed Wind Market Report, informing readers of the increased accessibility of distributed wind due to PPAs like the kind One Energy offers.

In this article about the increase in small wind in Ohio, Dan Gearino quoted One Energy CEO Jereme Kent in explaining the timing of megawatt installation. Gearino also referenced Kent’s analogy that “a 1.5 megawatt turbine in a windy region such as northwestern Ohio will generate enough electricity in a year to offset the needs of 300 to 500 houses.”

To keep up with the demand for Wind for Industry projects, One Energy refused to let delivery delays tarnish our promises to customers for a timely project installation. In 2017, we completed a deal with our turbine manufacturers, Goldwind, to secure 60 MW worth of turbine parts to be stored at our North Findlay Wind Campus, ready to be deployed as soon as a project was signed.

Valfilm, a plastics manufacturing company in Findlay, OH, announced their decision for two One Energy wind turbines to supply more than 75% of the facility’s electricity needs. Just down the street from One Energy’s headquarters, Valfilm’s turbines added to the growing “wind farm” at the North Findlay Wind Campus.