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To keep up with the demand for Wind for Industry projects, One Energy refused to let delivery delays tarnish our promises to customers for a timely project installation. In 2017, we completed a deal with our turbine manufacturers, Goldwind, to secure 60 MW worth of turbine parts to be stored at our North Findlay Wind Campus, ready to be deployed as soon as a project was signed.
Valfilm, a plastics manufacturing company in Findlay, OH, announced their decision for two One Energy wind turbines to supply more than 75% of the facility’s electricity needs. Just down the street from One Energy’s headquarters, Valfilm’s turbines added to the growing “wind farm” at the North Findlay Wind Campus.
When companies agree to Wind for Industry, they’re receiving more than just wind turbines. In this article, Marion Star highlighted the additional benefits of energy cost savings, scholarships, and the facility’s stability in the community for the coming 20 years.
In 2017, we secured $80 million from Prudential Capital Group. After years of perfecting our processes and taking the right risks, our business plan was ready for institutional investment. Read why.
The residents of Marion, OH enthusiastically welcomed the wind turbines One Energy installed at their Whirlpool facility. To those interviewed for this article, Wind for Industry was a sign that the jobs created by Whirlpool in their area weren’t going anywhere for a long time. To us, that’s true sustainability.
Today, Whirlpool Corporation announced plans to build wind turbines to help power its Marion and Ottawa plants in Ohio, a $13.5 million total investment that will build upon the company’s 46-year commitment to advances in sustainable manufacturing.
The completion of these projects has the potential to make Whirlpool Corporation one of the largest Fortune 500 consumers of on-site wind energy in the United States. Collectively, the company will be generating enough clean energy to power more than 2,400 average American homes.
Before others caught on to the unique advantages offered by Wind for Industry, Whirlpool and Ball Corporations in Findlay, OH signed on for the “Findlay Wind Farm” project. Financed and constructed by One Energy in 2015, the project began a lasting business partnership that every party involved would benefit from. (Please note that this article is published behind Toledo Business Journal‘s paywall.)