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Honest, accurate, and direct answers to common questions we encounter from our current and potential customers and stakeholders.

On this page, you’ll find honest, accurate, and direct answers to common questions we encounter from our current and potential customers and stakeholders.

You won’t find information like this anywhere else. We’ve checked.

We’re willing to be painfully transparent because that’s how One Power operates: we’re open, professional, and candid. That’s why we don’t shy away from the hard questions. It’s why we look for every opportunity to educate on cost-effective power solutions, the savings attainable through self-generated wind power, and the nuances of the wind industry in general.

Corporate Value #3:
Make Our Customers Smarter Than the Competition’s Experts.

Corporate Value #6:
Be Available and Be Honest.



Watch the compilation of Accountant answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. How do you bill?
Q2. Who do you bill?
Q3. How long do you keep your records?
Q4. Can we audit your billing?
Q5. Do we still get a bill from our power company?
Q6. Is this a lease?
Q7. Which version of the FASB rules are you basing your decision on?
Q8. If we take all of the power, how is this not a lease?
Q9. Do the Big 4 agree with you?
Q10. Do you have literature to support your statements?
Q11. Are companies typically writing a white paper on this?
Q12. What about non-FASB standards like IFRS?
Q13. Is this a lease under the UCC and do I need to consider that?



Watch the compilation of Attorney answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. What is the regulatory framework and my obligation under it?
Q2. What is net metering?
Q3. What is PURPA?
Q4. Why Ohio?
Q5. Who wrote the Renewable Energy Agreement (REA)?
Q6. Why do you call it a Renewable Energy Agreement?
Q7. Do we have to use this form of lease or easement?
Q8. What insurance do you have?
Q9. How am I protected from liability for your work?
Q10. What will our responsibility and liability be?
Q11. What liquidated damages are in the REA?
Q12. Can we terminate the REA?
Q13. Can we assign the project to someone else?
Q14. Which jurisdiction do you use and why?
Q15. What if we have a dispute?
Q16. Is this a standard form agreement?
Q17. How are you financed?
Q18. Who owns/controls the land?
Q19. What happens if we default?



Watch the compilation of CEO/CFO answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. What do the financials look like?
Q2. What are the risks?
Q3. What are the rewards?
Q4. What is the real value proposition?
Q5. What are the intangibles?
Q6. What is the strategic value?
Q7. How will investors view this?
Q8. Do you prepare terms shorter than 20 years?
Q9. What is our capital investment?
Q10. What are the short-term and long-term OPEX savings?
Q11. What is the present value of the future savings?
Q12. Does this get lease treatment?
Q13. How do you analyze our current power bill?
Q14. What has rate inflation been historically?
Q15. How much does One Power make off this project?
Q16. Why shouldn’t we just do this as our own capital project?
Q17. How are you financed?
Q18. Who pays the taxes?
Q19. What tax credits am I eligible for?

Energy Manager


Watch the compilation of Energy Manager answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. What is the difference between demand and consumption on my bill?
Q2. What is my marginal cost of energy?
Q3. What is a CRES?
Q4. What is net metering and when is it available?
Q5. What portion of my bill will you offset?
Q6. Do utilities have to allow net metering?
Q7. How is the current electric market affecting generation prices?
Q8. Can you match my billing cycle?
Q9. How do retail rates differ from wholesale rates?
Q10. Will you negotiate the price of power?

Engineering/Construction Manager


Watch the compilation of Engineering/Construction Manager answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. Will a wind turbine affect power quality?
Q2. How do you control voltage?
Q3. Where will you tie into my plant?
Q4. What protective equipment do you have in place?
Q5. Will you cause harmonic problems?
Q6. Will you cause power factor problems?
Q7. What do the turbines do in a fault or grid outage?
Q8. If the grid is down, will the turbines still be powering my plant?
Q9. What is the interconnection process with the utility?
Q10. Why don’t you put your cable in conduit?
Q11. What voltage do the turbines produce power at?
Q12. What voltage does the collection system operate at?
Q13. Can we access the meter ourselves?
Q14. Do the turbines produce AC or DC power?
Q15. Do the turbines get hit by lightning?
Q16. How often are the turbines serviced?
Q17. Where are the spare parts?
Q18. How long will the construction process take?
Q19. Who are your subcontractors?
Q20. Can we veto your subcontractors?
Q21. Who controls the design?
Q22. Can we review or modify the design?
Q23. Do we get weekly updates?
Q24. How much work do you self-perform?
Q25. Can we review your quality documentation throughout the project?
Q26. Who’s in charge of the project?
Q27. What is the organizational chart for the project?
Q28. What security do you have?
Q29. What do we need to do to support the project?
Q30. Do you need a plant shut-down?

Plant Employee


Watch the compilation of Plant Employee answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. What does this mean for my plant?
Q2. Is this about being green or saving money?
Q3. How much money is my company saving with this?
Q4. Is this like those big wind projects?
Q5. How big are the turbines?
Q6. Are the turbines safe?
Q7. Are the turbines dangerous to work around?
Q8. Why should I care about this?

Plant Manager


Watch the compilation of Plant Manager answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. How big are the turbines?
Q2. Will we need a plant shut-down?
Q3. How will this affect our neighbors?
Q4. What due diligence have you done to assess the effect on the neighbors?
Q5. How will the community respond and how do you educate the community?
Q6. How do we roll this out to our team members?
Q7. What is this going to cost me?
Q8. What is this going to save me?
Q9. What is the return on this?
Q10. Who else is doing this?
Q11. What if the turbines stop running?
Q12. Do the turbines run all the time?
Q13. Will this power my plant during an outage?
Q14. Does this go on our land or are you buying land?
Q15. What if the plant expands?
Q16. What if the price of power goes down?
Q17. Does this make my plant more valuable?
Q18. What if they sell this plant?
Q19. What exactly are you expecting from my team?
Q20. How well have your predictions worked out in the past?
Q21. Are there guarantees the turbines will produce power?
Q22. How often do we get update reports on the turbines?
Q23. What is mywindproject.com?

Safety Manager


Watch the compilation of Safety Manager answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. What is your safety record?
Q2. What training do your field managers have?
Q3. What is tower-rescue training and what level are you trained to?
Q4. What first aid and CPR training do you have?
Q5. What OSHA training do you have?
Q6. Who does your crane and rigging work?
Q7. Do you do JSAs?
Q8. Can we see your safety plan?

Sustainability/Marketing Manager


Watch the compilation of Sustainability/Marketing Manager answers to the left and download the transcript or list of questions below.

Q1. What carbon emissions are avoided by using these turbines?
Q2. Can I market this within my sustainability program?
Q3. Are there truth-in-advertising laws I need to know about?
Q4. What is a Renewable Energy Credit (REC) and why do I care about it?
Q5. What are the different REC markets?
Q6. How does this affect my Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions?
Q7. What about environmental concerns, like birds?
Q8. How will the community rollout process go?
Q9. When will you start talking to public officials?
Q10. What terms can we use while marketing this?
Q11. Can we put our logo on the turbine?
Q12. What kind of press does a project typically receive?
Q13. Will you help us prepare a press packet?
Q14. Can you help us with videos and graphics?
Q15. What is a Megawatt Scholarship and who administers it?
Q16. What is the groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting process like?